Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year's 2008 Intentions
Wanna know some of mine? Here are ten! I tried to chose ten that would be easy to follow instead of making a list of 100 that I know I wouldn't keep or just one that I would feel bad as soon as I break it!
1. Be Healthier
- Notice I didn't say lose weight, I just want to be healthier - mind, body, etc and if eating healthier and losing weight is one way to do it, than so be it, but it doesn't have to be the ONLY thing...
2. Scrapbook More (10 pages per month at least)
- I know that isn't much for some people, but I have not scrapped any for the month of December. It is something I LOVE to do, but never make time to do~
3. Make 10 cards per month
- 5 Christmas Cards and 5 "other" cards just to have on hand
4. 365 Picutres of Abby
- I want to take a picutre of Abby every day of the year!
5. Think before I buy
- I would LOVE to be able to save some money and pay off debts instead of going check to check because I shop too much!
6. Cut back on the amount of soda I drink
- This would probably help with the amount of money I spend too LOL
7. Have a more well kept house that even my MIL would be halfway proud of (or at least not ashamed of!)
8. Be the best wife to Gary Joe, Mommy to Abby, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, friend, and most importantly CHRISTIAN that I can be!
9. Lead a sucessful Beth Moore Bible Study and keep up with my homework during the process!
10. Craft more!!!
What are your resolutions - - uhm... I mean "intentions"!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Short Christmas Sharings
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas - we sure did! Gary Joe got a flat panel tv for the bedroom from Abby and I. More of a family gift, but I am pretty sure he enjoys it! As for Abby - well, my living room looks like toyland - if that tells you anything!
I did digi picture frames for the parents for Christmas and gave them my memory cards - therefore I really don't have many Christmas pictures at all :( I will have to borrow the cards before I can share a picture of the three of us.... In the meantime, here is a picture of
Abby, my MIL Ginger, FIL Gary, BIL Josh, and DH Gary!
I hope that as the first of the year comes, I can be more fruitful in my blogging both here and Picked With Love... As for resolutions, I am not quite sure I want to call them that yet, but don't know what to title the list.... I will share it later!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Cookie Swap

Snowman Ornament
Pin It
First of all, let me share with you the site I saw that gave me the idea. The tutorial on that site is wonderful, I just didn't have the time to do all of the steps.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Blogger Candy - Pay It Forward!
The things you give away can be anything, supplies, stamps, hand made items, whatever you like. It can even be a suprise.I am giving away three grab "envies" if you will, but I will not be sure of what until I have time to look upstairs tomorrow evening! If you are up for a mystery blog package and have a blog --the first 3 to comment will win!! Please email me with your address at
I really like this concept and it sounds like it will give me a good chance to share some of my overabundance of stash, so check back often, I plan to do this more frequently!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Friday

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Collins' Hundred Acre Wood

Monday, October 29, 2007
Birthday Fun!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Adventures in Cake Making
His "fur" turned out, well.... kinda like this....
Needless to say, we are going to be making a trip to Wal-Mart this evening to get some red Wilton coloring and the cake is not going to be the surprise that I wanted it to be... Then again, he is in a bad mood so as much as I want to just hand him the cake the way it is, I will finish it and present it nicely tomorrow to all the family...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Blog Treat, Paint Tin, and Watermarks!

Trick or Treat Paint Can
- Patterned Paper 4 6/8" x 12" - note: this will note
wrap around the entire can
- Patterned Paper 4 6/8" x 5" - to cover place on can
where other paper was too short to fit
- Quart Sized paint can
- Extra patterned paper to make circle for lid
- Ribbon for handle if a handle is desired
- Various Embellishments
- I just used a Jolee's pumpkin sticks
- Some black gingham ribbon from Wal-Mart
- Orange Paper from Hobby Lobby
- SU alphabet stamps
- SU Basic Black Classic Ink Pad
- Mod Podge
I made this when I thought that I was going to get to meet Karen (SCS:Jusgottastamp), but then we didn't get to go and I was stuck with my can :(
On a side note, if you remember me talking about wanting a watermark, I have some on order from freckledfundesigns... I am hoping to use them mostly on my photography...(I know, ANOTHER new hobby that I am gladly accepting tips on...) especially my pictures of Abby. I am also wanting to order a banner from her for each of my blogs. But, I am unsure as to what I want on them right now...
So, you have an opportunity to win a blog treat from me...
Please help me come up with a tag line to place on my blog banner for the softangelkisses blog (this one... We will work on the banner for the Picked With Love blog for another treat later!)
I know that I want SOFTANGELKISSES to be the main wording, but I would like something cute and witty at the bottom! To enter to win the blog candy - post a comment with something cute that I could use as a tag line and I will use a random number generator to chose a winner on Sunday!
The treat: the stack of coasters you see in the picture with the paint can!!
If you would like to check out Beth's wonderful work, click here:
A "sample" of my fall watermark was sent to me by her and I want to share the sample with you by showing you on a pic of Abby:

Please note: the white background is only there because this is a sample of the one I am going to purchase as soon as she sends me the invoice!! Her finished projects have a transparent background!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Sweet Treats

#3 UGGS!! I know, so expensive, but I love 'em! Gary Joe bought my first pair for my last Christmas, then I got a pair of the flip flop sandals this Spring. ext treat... from me -

P.S. I got the brown ones up front! :)
Friday, October 12, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
Itty Bitty Sickies
The jist of it was that my itty bitty has the sickies for the first time and she is only 2 mos old...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I on the other hand have been having one problem after another. Now, the issue is chest pain. Talk about scaring you half to death. I have been to the Dr 2 days already this week and I am going tomorrow for a second opinion. It is just hard to believe that there is nothing wrong. I am hurting too much for there to be "nothing".
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Abby Lovins
BP issues...ugh...up yesturday, down today, don't know whether or not to take the medication due to the BP being low... I think that is enough to make my BP go back up! I am keeping a good close check on it though!
Gotta cut it short tonight, I've got a little girl to spoil and a Disney website that is calling her name!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Abby in My Arms!
I can't believe that I am learning to type with a baby in my arms...and I think that I am doing quite well with it! I love every minute of it!!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
As for my paper crafting, I am still doing that as much as possible while on bedrest, but it is hard to upload the pictures if you know what I mean!
I have been doing a lot of planning for our Relay For Life Fundraiser that we have coming up in April! A Spring Fling! I am planning to give my comission from any Stampin Up orders collected during that time to the ACS as are our teams Home and Garden Party profits!
I had mentioned earlier about blog candy and I just want to let everyone know that I am still planning to do that! I want to start during the month of March and the way to enter will be to leave your name and email address in the comment section of my blog!
Have a wonderful day and God Bless You!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Went back to the Dr. today and nothing had changed. Even though I am due Friday, they went ahead and made me an appointment for next Monday because I have not dilated... ugh! I am getting so anxious for this little girl!
I didn't get to do anymore crafting or scrapbooking to share, bedrest puts a damper on everything and going to the Dr today wore me out! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007
I had plans to upload some paper craft pictures today, but alas, my wonderful husband... has lost he USB cable to the Digi cam!
In other news, we did get some snow. It is on again, off again and is supposed to continue through the night and into tomorrow morning, but so far, it has already been enough for me and I am ready for it to leave until next year. I'm sure some of you can more than agree with me on that!
Here's a Bible verse before I go:
"And I, if I be lifted up from the Earth, will draw all men unto me." John 12:32
Friday, February 16, 2007
Happy Friday
Today is Friday, (duh) and the start of a long weekend for a lot of people with President's Day coming up on Monday. Personally, I think the post offices and banks just needed ANOTHER reason to be closed...
I will be adding more soon! Things to look for in the next month...
- Cards, Scrapbooking, other Paper Crafting
- Abby Updates!
- Blogger Candy offers for the loyals! Keep your eyes open!