The first day of 2009 has come and is almost gone already. I can tell you that this year will probably be like every other and go by quickly, just judging by today.
Before today, I had been contemplating what to do on Jan 1 since many people say that what you do on that day is what you will be doing the rest of the year... I wondered if I wanted to clean my house, so that I would have a clean home, scrapbook and make the un-keepable resolution of "a page a day" (kudos to all those who can and DO keep it), or what ever else... As the day came though, I found myself having the blahs... So instead I did something that, as I look back on the day, realize it is what made em truly happy...spent it with my darling little girl and husband.
Today, I did anything Abby wanted - we bundled up and played outside, went to McDonald's and had french fries, had a milkshake, took a nap on the couch snuggled together, and played guitar hero together! Yes, I truly think that would be a wonderful way to spend the rest of the year!
Here is what I have to share today. It is a bit of my 25 days of Christmas album. It really did make scrapbooking Christmas so much easier. I made the book in November and it was so easy to just pop the pictures in there later! Almost all the supplies used were Cosmo Cricket.
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Abby in front of the fireplace at the hotel in Tennessee and Abby asleep in my dad's arms during church...
Abby seeing the tree decorated for the first time and snuggling with me in my old bedroom at my mom and dads house

Opening a gift early and helping hand out gifts at Gary Joe's Granny's house...

Riding her Princess 4 wheeler and seeing the gifts Santa left her
and here is my wonderful little one today - the first day of the year!

God Bless You,