I am so blessed - today has been a wonderful day! WOW! It seems as if I have a LOT to post today!!
First of all, I received my copy of Paper Crafts Gourmet in the mail yesterday and oh my goodness! All I know to say is order it, order it, order it! I was so surprised when it came and I can't believe that I won such a fabulous prize! Tonight we are trying the Minestrone Soup with Parmesan Crumble found on page 155. Although I have not tasted it yet, the aroma has my house smelling wonderful!

Next, I have had the incredible honor of receiving this award from Sherri at Roses in My Heart (

As I understand, part of receiving the award is that I am allowed to pass the award on to five bloggers of my choosing. I would like to pass this to:
Okay, now I can't tell you how hard that was to narrow it down to 5! I have so many favorites that are on my "visit daily" to do! (P.S. Bonnie & T - you would have sooo been on my list, but I was sure someone else would chose you ;)
Now we go to this - I have NEVER been tagged as a blogger and I just got tagged by Annette at Annette's Paper Bistro (
http://annette-paperbistro.blogspot.com/) and here is how this works...

7 Random or Weird Facts About Me:
1. My dream is to be a Diabetic Nurse Educator/Practitioner and I am working on that now!
2. I have a Canon 40D camera and take my little girls pictures myself.
3. I love country/vintage stuff.
4. My Camry is my dream car.
5. I went to the scrapbook store today to get stuff to finish up some Christmas presents.
6. I rarely cook, but LOVE to bake :)
7. I love to plan and am currently looking for the perfect 2009 planner/organizer! any tips?
The 7 blogs I chose to tag are:
Now, if you are still with me - here is my scrappyness for the day! I decided to participate in the CPS card sketch this week! I love it when I have the time to do little extras that make me happy! All the products used on here are the same as what I used on the card for the 2 sketches challenge - in fact, these are the scraps!!

God Bless You,