I love it! I googled resolutions and came up with the synonym intentions! How appropriate since most of our resolutions are like everything else, the best of intentions, whether we succeed or not~
Wanna know some of mine? Here are ten! I tried to chose ten that would be easy to follow instead of making a list of 100 that I know I wouldn't keep or just one that I would feel bad as soon as I break it!
1. Be Healthier
- Notice I didn't say lose weight, I just want to be healthier - mind, body, etc and if eating healthier and losing weight is one way to do it, than so be it, but it doesn't have to be the ONLY thing...
2. Scrapbook More (10 pages per month at least)
- I know that isn't much for some people, but I have not scrapped any for the month of December. It is something I LOVE to do, but never make time to do~
3. Make 10 cards per month
- 5 Christmas Cards and 5 "other" cards just to have on hand
4. 365 Picutres of Abby
- I want to take a picutre of Abby every day of the year!
5. Think before I buy
- I would LOVE to be able to save some money and pay off debts instead of going check to check because I shop too much!
6. Cut back on the amount of soda I drink
- This would probably help with the amount of money I spend too LOL
7. Have a more well kept house that even my MIL would be halfway proud of (or at least not ashamed of!)
8. Be the best wife to Gary Joe, Mommy to Abby, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, friend, and most importantly CHRISTIAN that I can be!
9. Lead a sucessful Beth Moore Bible Study and keep up with my homework during the process!
10. Craft more!!!
What are your resolutions - - uhm... I mean "intentions"!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Short Christmas Sharings
I know that it has been a while since I blogged, but I don't have a good excuse other than the fact that I have been busy and have not made anything to share (except the million nugget tins I made for Christmas presents and forgot to take picutres of!).
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas - we sure did! Gary Joe got a flat panel tv for the bedroom from Abby and I. More of a family gift, but I am pretty sure he enjoys it! As for Abby - well, my living room looks like toyland - if that tells you anything!
I did digi picture frames for the parents for Christmas and gave them my memory cards - therefore I really don't have many Christmas pictures at all :( I will have to borrow the cards before I can share a picture of the three of us.... In the meantime, here is a picture of
Abby, my MIL Ginger, FIL Gary, BIL Josh, and DH Gary!
Here are two of Abby opening gifts that I found also:

I hope that as the first of the year comes, I can be more fruitful in my blogging both here and Picked With Love... As for resolutions, I am not quite sure I want to call them that yet, but don't know what to title the list.... I will share it later!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas - we sure did! Gary Joe got a flat panel tv for the bedroom from Abby and I. More of a family gift, but I am pretty sure he enjoys it! As for Abby - well, my living room looks like toyland - if that tells you anything!
I did digi picture frames for the parents for Christmas and gave them my memory cards - therefore I really don't have many Christmas pictures at all :( I will have to borrow the cards before I can share a picture of the three of us.... In the meantime, here is a picture of
Abby, my MIL Ginger, FIL Gary, BIL Josh, and DH Gary!
I hope that as the first of the year comes, I can be more fruitful in my blogging both here and Picked With Love... As for resolutions, I am not quite sure I want to call them that yet, but don't know what to title the list.... I will share it later!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Cookie Swap

Today was my first ever cookie swap, and guess what? I LOVED it! We had a blast!
I think that I had a pretty good turn out for the first time... 9 people not including myself! My mother-in-law would not come, but maybe next year - I did take her some cookies from it though!!
We played the left right game and it was a blast!
Ruby made some awesome pumpkin cookies, they were so moist and gooey... Aunt Joanna's special crispy treats packed a suprise that was oh so good... Granny ReJeana and Kelly brought some cream cheese fingers that I could have ate the whole tray of... Stephanie's first attempt at no bake cookies was definately a success - even Gary Joe loved them... Renee's smores...oh my goodness... Linda's brittle didn't turn out that well, but love her heart, it may have been because she was following 2 recipes instead of one! Michiyo's Christmas rock cookies were not only perfectly tastey, but perfectly packaged as well! Mam brought sugar cookies with the prettiest red and green sprinkles imaginable!
Here are some pics from the event:

Snowman Ornament
I have something that I want to share with you! Here is my snowman ornament that I made for an ornament swap and he was seriously so quick and easy!
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First of all, let me share with you the site I saw that gave me the idea. The tutorial on that site is wonderful, I just didn't have the time to do all of the steps.
Here are the shortcuts I followed in case you would like to make one of these, but are like me and don't have all the time!
- The hat on his head is held on with none other than glue dots!
- His nose was drawn on with an orange Sharpie marker...yes, I do have sharpies in all colors!
- The ornament itself is a white Martha Stewart ornament instead of the clear bulb painted with white paint as called for!
I love to craft, but often don't have time for all of the steps, so whenever I find a shortcut that works, I like to take full advantage of it and share it with others too!
In other news, it's getting close to Christmas and I logged on to Wal-Mart's website to make some photo greeting cards of Abby. I had 10 printed up for testing and they were wonderful! So, I ordered 50 more. When Gary went to pick up the 50 that I ordered, they refused to give them to him and said that I needed to bring proof of copywright (?) and sign a paper saying they are my own! I feel kind of offended - not that they think the photos are good, but that I am having to go through this much of a hassle!
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